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Quelle: AMATIN 2022

Do I have to report vacancies?

Employers are required by law to report vacancies in occupations with at least 5 per cent unemployment throughout Switzerland to the authorities before advertising their own vacancies. On 1 January 2022, five new occupations were added to the list of occupations that must be reported.

In 2021, five additional occupational groups exceeded the unemployment threshold of 5 per cent. Therefore, the following occupational groups are now subject to the prior job notification requirement:

  • Salespersons in retail stores
  • Marketing and advertising specialists
  • Graphic and multimedia designers
  • Varnishers and related professions
  • Travel agents

The occupation of salespersons in retail shops is important, with around 160,000 people employed in this occupation throughout Switzerland.

All occupational types that were subject to job registration in 2021 remain subject to registration in 2022. Vacancies for cooks, service personnel, painters, cleaners and many others must therefore still be reported to the RAV.

Nothing easier than reporting a job

At employers can find out whether their vacancies are subject to compulsory registration. Entering the job title in the website’s “Check-Up 2022” quickly shows whether the job type is subject to mandatory registration or not. If the job title is subject to mandatory reporting, the vacancies can be easily entered on the same website in the “Job Room” and automatically advertised. At employers have access to over 160,000 jobseekers in Switzerland.

AMATIN AG  Rechtsanwälte / Rechtsberatung  │  Attorneys at Law / Counselors  │  Conseiller Juridiques / Avocats

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Martin BoosAttorney at Law, Partner
+41 61 202 91 91

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Roman Kälin-BurgyAttorney at Law, Partner
+41 61 202 91 99


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